Ron Paul--Tea Party '07


New Member
Cleckstro, what you say may be true, excepting your mental image of me. I am fully aware of the manipulation of the MSM and have posted several times that I liked some of Pauls agenda. I am also aware of the tremendous debt and world hatred this regime has forced upon us. I literally hate the current government and would not lose one minutes sleep if Washington DC were to go up in a huge explosion while the 535 and the white house staff were all present. There aren't 10 honest people in that Sodom and Gomora. The thing is, Cleckstro, I am a realist and Ron Paul has no chance of making it to the white house, or changing the status-quo. Youth is eternally hopeful, so you must be young. I give hope a shot, but it has worn thin in my vision of American politics. Do not put me in lockstep with either the current status or the MSM. I know the score and am only trying to lesson the pain when your man (Paul) is not the decider. Check your history books. people that want to elicit too much change soon join the departed.


Well-Known Member
Cleckstro, what you say may be true, excepting your mental image of me. I am fully aware of the manipulation of the MSM and have posted several times that I liked some of Pauls agenda. I am also aware of the tremendous debt and world hatred this regime has forced upon us. I literally hate the current government and would not lose one minutes sleep if Washington DC were to go up in a huge explosion while the 535 and the white house staff were all present. There aren't 10 honest people in that Sodom and Gomora. The thing is, Cleckstro, I am a realist and Ron Paul has no chance of making it to the white house, or changing the status-quo. Youth is eternally hopeful, so you must be young. I give hope a shot, but it has worn thin in my vision of American politics. Do not put me in lockstep with either the current status or the MSM. I know the score and am only trying to lesson the pain when your man (Paul) is not the decider. Check your history books. people that want to elicit too much change soon join the departed.[/QUOTE

I'm not pegging you as a neo-con responsible for this fiasco in the slightest. I am simply saying that your "Machiavellian" voting method is flawed, and will result in nominees, and therefore a President, that will not address the currency crisis, the exorbitant debt, the return of civil liberties through repealing NSA wiretapping and the Patriot Act, etc.

The Democrats will nobly offer an expansion of social services with tax increases (but will stay mum on Iraq because they fear being called pussies, not to mention the financial crisis) and and the Republicans will offer an expansion of the national security police state, "double Guantanamo" and will deficit spend the nation to bankruptcy. Things will stay the same with a Democrat and will get worse with any Republican other than Ron Paul, period. It is an interesting paradox for one who actually votes: you would lose just as much sleep were DC to explode as if it would stay the same. I think they call that apathy.

You have one vote for change, Med. Use it wisely.

I address these things not out of hope, but of desperation.

rob the pot head

Well-Known Member
the more i hear about this guy the more i like him... however i just dont see the united states being smart enough to elect this guy... especialy the republicans


Well-Known Member
rob the pot head
the more i hear about this guy the more i like him
Likewise, Everytime he is asked a question no matter what the question is he answers Intelligently ,Truthfully and he beleives in what he says as do most americans on the other hand the more I hear about and From the other Candidates the more I become aware of just how phony and morally corrupt they really are.


Well-Known Member
I'm not pegging you as a neo-con responsible for this fiasco in the slightest. I am simply saying that your "Machiavellian" voting method is flawed, and will result in nominees, and therefore a President, that will not address the currency crisis, the exorbitant debt, the return of civil liberties through repealing NSA wiretapping and the Patriot Act, etc.
Can you explain how medicineman's vote/voting method: "will result in nominees, and therefore a President, that will not address the currency crisis, the exorbitant debt, the return of civil liberties through repealing NSA wiretapping and the Patriot Act, etc." ?

What is the wise vote?


Well-Known Member
The wise vote is Ron Paul.

The top candidates on the Republican ticket are: Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney.
The top Democrats are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards.

How many of those candidates support the full withdrawal out of Iraq by 2013? None of them.

By voting for a candidate that will "save Social Security," you will prolong the Iraq War which will make saving Social Security less realistic, increase our debt and currency crisis, and enable Bush to abuse the new Presidential powers he has received for controlling the ensuing crisis.

Or you could vote for Ron Paul...


New Member
The wise vote is Ron Paul.

The top candidates on the Republican ticket are: Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney.
The top Democrats are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards.

How many of those candidates support the full withdrawal out of Iraq by 2013? None of them.

By voting for a candidate that will "save Social Security," you will prolong the Iraq War which will make saving Social Security less realistic, increase our debt and currency crisis, and enable Bush to abuse the new Presidential powers he has received for controlling the ensuing crisis.

Or you could vote for Ron Paul...
The problem is: the voters in general are not wise at all. Some time watch Jay Leno's Jaywalking if you really want to know where the average voters heads are at. Most don't know the first amendment from an ice cream cone. I'll wager if you stood on a street corner and asked every adult that came by what the 4th amendment was, you'd get less than 10% that actually knew. It is the apathy and absolute non-caring about government functions that have led us down this path. The Politicians know that the average Joe could care less about the government and what it is doing as long as they have plenty of fast food and TV. Give them a job that lets them survive with a little weekend beer money and you have opiated the masses. Sell them houses they can't afford, credit cards that never get paid off, and tax them to the fullest extent of the law. As long as they are semi-comfortable, you can do what you want with their tax money.