Rooftop Patio SE Asia

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Up to the patio for an update later this morning, but I was just reading through some threads here and I realize I am addicted to planting seeds. Ha ha. I was watching the latest Weed Nerd few days back and Sub says, "I heard of people collecting seeds like baseball cards. Why? Plant them!"
I tried to save a couple dozen seeds, but I ended up popping them :) I definetly have seed-fever, But I don't know how long I could save them for.


Well-Known Member
GB know what you mean. I never have stored more than few years, but as long as they are kept cool and dark they should last quite a while. I keep mine in a sealed container in the freezer and I have never had any issues. Of course I have times where I don't have 100% germination or seedlings flop, but I believe everyone has this and its part of gardening. realistic gardening anyway.

This is the first year I will try to go through entire year. I usually have a 3 month break after the crop going now gets harvested due to heat up top and also we get some pretty strong storms which blow in. Last year I started early by moving plants in or covering them up for most of storms, so I know its doable, just more of a pain. I will take the pain for the pleasure of having medicine year round.

Yesterday morning I was up in the garden and there was quite a special looking insect which had a long red snout like an elephant. After I watched it for a few minutes climbing up the cage around one of the plants it seemed to be changing its viewing direction to keep me in its sights. In the past I have had young plants chewed up, and since this thing had a beetle like body I figured it were time to smash it up (before it started chewing). Turned out it was a red snout lantern bug. Really colorful wings as well.

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Well-Known Member
Thanks Buzworthy. I thought I had killed the orange ones in the direct heat, but they all got a dose of fish and aloe and they got moved then came back stronger. Love the vibrant colors as thats part of the relaxation upstairs


Well-Known Member
Kosher Tangie from DNA seems like it a very healthy seed. Took right off and is loving the full sun (its hot)


Well-Known Member
Slow going, but is what it is. They have all been trained either mainlined, tied down, topped, etc. Have moved the 1 male to another location so that can collect pollen. We had to go away for a week due to a family member passing away and I didnt have cages up around 2 chernobyls and the birds ate them up pretty well. My mistake and should have known, lesson learned. All caged up now and once they get to a certain size birds leave them alone (but they are tasty leaves).