Room too hot? pics


Well-Known Member
im not sure if it was hermied at first cause of heat stress or light leaks. so i took a clone of it to see if it would hermie again. and i will throw it away 1 week into flower so it shouldnt have a chance for any pollen. i had 6 plants and all thats left is the 2 female white widows. do you think i should just throw the ones that maybe a hermie away. .. the pic is up there.. can you spot it


Well-Known Member
What lights are you using and how close to the plants is it?
600 hps light with about 15 inch from top of plants. the reflector and glass is mildly warm to the touch.. my guess is about 90 degress cause i have the room open and have exhaust on the lights sealed out of the room... but being sealed or not dont matter cause room is open now. but when its closed that light gets pretty hot, but still touchable and can carry around

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Are you saying you can touch your 600 watt hps light when its been on for hours and it doesnt burn you?


Well-Known Member
Are you saying you can touch your 600 watt hps light when its been on for hours and it doesnt burn you?
for a little bit.. i forgot how it felt but dont remember ever getting burned touching it or moving it while it was on.. but i always did have a sealed fan blowing in it


Well-Known Member
Are you saying you can touch your 600 watt hps light when its been on for hours and it doesnt burn you?
i can keep my 2000 watt 48 inch cool tube on all night and touch it and hold my hand on it without burning my hand after 12 hrs on.

oh yeahhh and my room gets up into the 90s and my plants are thriving...*knocks on wood*


wow, i am sorry ....i don't see a salvage possible...they're gone !!! dry em out and smoke what ya can and start time ventilation is key as well as temp control , think of it as a valuable lesson learned the hard way!

too bad they looked like they where gonna be awesome!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Nute burn not over heating. Over heating you will see the leaves start to curl under because they are losing to much water.
( hope that sounds right) When you had the Co2 going you plants were growing much faster thus taking the nute in larger amounts. When the Co2 ran out/or stopped they stopped using the nutes. ( my guess )


Well-Known Member
im not sure if it was hermied at first cause of heat stress or light leaks. so i took a clone of it to see if it would hermie again. and i will throw it away 1 week into flower so it shouldnt have a chance for any pollen. i had 6 plants and all thats left is the 2 female white widows. do you think i should just throw the ones that maybe a hermie away. .. the pic is up there.. can you spot it
i cant but sex doesnt start to show until second week of flower so only waiting one wont really help.. i wouldnt risk it. i barely caught a hermie like hours litterally before it would of pollinated my room in a grow a couple months ago.. its like this if u talk to a chick in a bar and u think she might be a dude would u risk takin her home to find out or just bail???


i can keep my 2000 watt 48 inch cool tube on all night and touch it and hold my hand on it without burning my hand after 12 hrs on.

oh yeahhh and my room gets up into the 90s and my plants are thriving...*knocks on wood*

why would anyone live in a room of 90 plus degrees i'd freaking roast,lol
kudo's to ya!!
reptiles even like it cooler than that!
your a tuff one!


Well-Known Member
why would anyone live in a room of 90 plus degrees i'd freaking roast,lol
kudo's to ya!!
reptiles even like it cooler than that!
your a tuff one!
plant seem to have slowed down in burning

im gonna get more co2

but then i cant seal the room if i have co2 cause then it get over 90.. and the temps in house has been rising too.. wish i can have a ac in there.. then all would be great


To save any of this for future grows just get a light with smaller amouts of watts say a 400 hps, What light do you have?
Getting a carbon filter works great, it takes all the hot air out thus turning it into fresh cool air which obviously wont get the plants hot. Having a good oscillating fan works great with the filter. Giving them a mist of water keeps the leaves cool as well as giving them co2.

Keep us posted with some pics. :weed:


Well-Known Member
To save any of this for future grows just get a light with smaller amouts of watts say a 400 hps, What light do you have?
Getting a carbon filter works great, it takes all the hot air out thus turning it into fresh cool air which obviously wont get the plants hot. Having a good oscillating fan works great with the filter. Giving them a mist of water keeps the leaves cool as well as giving them co2.

Keep us posted with some pics. :weed:
from what i know a carbon filter does not cool air down. how can it. all it does is filter the smell in a sealed room

a carbon filter with ventilation can keep room temps down.

if i had ducting to take air out and have fresh air coming in without a carbon filter it would still cool the room down.

you just made a carbon filter sound like it was a airconditioning