Root aphids.. Pro help please


Well-Known Member
Need pros help.. I got off phone with people who make Mallet and they said it kills adults but it DOESN'T kill eggs!! So will the aphids hatch and bite into roots and die from the systemic? Or immune now? Spare anti chem msg please I know what I'm doing in veg and I do t supply med patients.. Is there an ovicide for drench? Nuke me maybe? I know to be more on the prevent for aphids but it only takes one ya know mon..I've used pyrethrin before drench.. Worked for two weeks .. I'd need Info for treatment I'n bloom.. And I know how bad it is to have so just need answers please.. Throwing out and starting over is not an option..


Active Member
About a year ago I used Bayer Root and Shrub insecticide. It contains Imidacloprid which is also the active ingredient in Mallet. This was the only solution I found to control root aphids. This chemical is systemic in nature, so when the baby aphids hatch and begin to feed they will die. I will give you a be-extremely-careful chem msg. This may interest you: Neem oil, pyrethrins were only temporarily effective.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thanks that stuff is scary and I hate using it..used Bayer fruit and citris but the aphids lived thru.. I'm not a hobby grower.. I wear Chem suit respirator gogles ect..same shit for mites with 3 diff kinds of treatments.. you know of anything else besides Imid to kill aphids? Prob not! At least the hatched eggs will die.. Thx for that info and link.. Scary ish


Active Member
Yeah thanks that stuff is scary and I hate using it..used Bayer fruit and citris but the aphids lived thru.. I'm not a hobby grower.. I wear Chem suit respirator gogles ect..same shit for mites with 3 diff kinds of treatments.. you know of anything else besides Imid to kill aphids? Prob not! At least the hatched eggs will die.. Thx for that info and link.. Scary ish

Yes, you can get nematodes and introduce them into your plant by watering them in. If you are concerned about the next grow, go and buy some met 52 (expensive stuff) in which you can mix into your new potted soil. You can try and introduce the met 52 into the current grow, but you will have to put some holes into your medium to try and get the pellets/rice or what ever they are using for the 'carrier medium' deeper into your soil. Met 52 is some killer stuff as it is a fungus that when the aphids happen by get spores on their body which they take back to the colony and when they die, they explode with more spores killing the rest of the colony.. have heard good things about it when added to soil before planting. Good luck, they suck and when they grow wings and fly, they can lay eggs everywhere in your grow room. Make sure you get some sticky strips to catch the winged bastards!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If they're still in Veg I use Bayer Tree And Shrub. Shit works like a charm. I wouldn't use it in Flower.


Well-Known Member
Systemics dont have to kill eggs, they won't be immune to the chems in those(shreds their insides). It can stay in the plants for 2-4 months.

May want to think about using bacillus thuringiensis. Lots of myco products have em. Effective, non-systemic, safe, cheap, and protection from other pests/bacteria/fungi problems.


Well-Known Member
Need pros help.. I got off phone with people who make Mallet and they said it kills adults but it DOESN'T kill eggs!! So will the aphids hatch and bite into roots and die from the systemic? Or immune now? Spare anti chem msg please I know what I'm doing in veg and I do t supply med patients.. Is there an ovicide for drench? Nuke me maybe? I know to be more on the prevent for aphids but it only takes one ya know mon..I've used pyrethrin before drench.. Worked for two weeks .. I'd need Info for treatment I'n bloom.. And I know how bad it is to have so just need answers please.. Throwing out and starting over is not an option..
Eggs aren't really a concern with root aphids... at least in your soil. From what I understand, the flying adults can lay eggs or "over winter"... they would place them in a safe place away from your plants and not hatch until much later.
Aphids give birth to live nymphs.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks! I used the Mallet before this post and now feel better about the eggs not being an issue... I didn't want to use mallet but I have 2 hund plus of 2 gallon pots and top feed coco.. I caught them very early and only in one of the girls out of all of them... I banged the sides trying to get any to come out on saucer but only one and after drench only one had dead aphids so pretty sure I got me super early.. No flyers ever and I bomb every 3 days with 4.0 pyrethrin bombs.. Need a good prevent thinking the Met 52 but open to anything... Cost is not really an issue but cheaper is always nice but want to rid and go back to fighting mites do rest of my life lol


Well-Known Member
Ya i know Bayer and mallet Same but much more of it in mallet of course! The Bayer has been used so much they are getting resistant to low Imid! I've seen them swim thru tree and shrub also


Well-Known Member
Just like I've seen two spotted mites live thru Forbid dunks Avid dunks Flormite dunks azamax dunks.. I've used all... Nuts dude


Well-Known Member
I'de like to hear how the SNS works. I'm about to start using it for fungus gnats, then for fungus gnat prevention.
I'm curious to hear how the roots respond to the oil in SNS 203... Ime, oily root drenches (Azamax/Azatrol and Evergreen/Pyganic) have done serious damage to my roots. Used near the end of flower the buds did not mature all the way. Even with an extra week. I'm hoping SNS 203 will not do this.


Active Member
About to use Mallet to manage aphids. I see some of you have used product. How about the dillution rate? Any special knowledge about application would be helpful.