Root aphids!!!


Active Member
I believe that I have root aphids...they are black, beetle like bugs, with big antenni. I have began spraying my young seedlings two days ago...but I find at least 1-3 aphids still alive running around everyday! How long does it take for these fuckers to die...and will I be fighting them off till harvest? HELP!
Azatrol go to your hydro store and pick that up it will kill all those fuckers with no problem.... If you dont take care of is asap roots will start to die and rot. Its easy you just add it to the water fill as high as you can you will have no issues... Ive tried it all lady bugs and flushing them out but they will come back!!!Go pick up now!!


Well-Known Member
Do a triple; use a neem product and buy some sticky traps & Mosquito dunks I had those fuck'n "micro roaches" jump on they ass immediately or this battle will turn into a war, the neem will slow their reproduction, the Mosquito Dunks are a bacteria (Bti) that will kill the larvae that do produce, and the sticky traps will catch the female flyers. crush a 1/4 dunk to a gallon after 24 - 48 hrs drench the soil, spray plants and top of soil with neem. don't slack off cause you stop seeing them either. what soil are you using?

Billy Piper

Active Member
You can get a product called Gnat Off that i have used and works well.
An inch of sand on the top soil works as well...I do both mate!