Root mold?

I've got some white fuzzy mold on my roots goin I think. Some of my plants are startin to droop and the white fuzz wasnt there yesterday. I've got 5 plants in an aerogarden. Here's my journal:

The thing is I did some research nd a lot of the things I read said "white fuzzy growth is good!" so now I'm not sure it's mold. I added an air curtain for O2 in the past week and perhaps my roots are getting fuzzier or maybe it's just wishful thinking. The roots are not slimy. I tried to get a pic but my camera is not focusing well enough for it to be visible in a picture. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Root mold in the root chamber is usually not white. Pythium micro organisms attack roots and leave them smelling off, dark brown and patchy. If this is the case then you will need to add in some water conditioner to the root area, check with your local hydro store for the best product for pythium.

The fungusy white stuff on stems can be solved with a little baking soda and water (bout a teaspoon to a litre) in a spray. Spray or wipe onto stems and make sure you get none on leaves or in the root area.

If there is white fungus on roots themselves then we will need pics to help identify them.