Roots growing through bottom of pot?! Help please!


Active Member
Hey guys,
I'm doing an indoor coco grow with Cannacoco and canna nutes. I am growing blackjack and Trainwreck. They are in 8 inch pots. two of the pots have a mesh bottom, the other two just have 4 little holes for drainage. the plants are only a little over an inch tall, but somehow the roots are coming out of the bottom of the pot. There is a massive, dense, thick white root system that i can see from the bottom of the pots, and a few long roots are actually coming out of the pots, there are also roots coming out of the drainage holes in the other pots. What am i supposed to do?!?:leaf::shock:


Active Member
well i have 3 gallon smart pots to transfer to, but once i do that, wont that just happen again very quikly? will the plants roots just keep growing or can it not survive in this state?


Active Member
be reeeally careful tho - just posted a thread about some fuck up I made. The roots have most likely completely surrounded the soil and it won't be as simple as pulling it out like a plug. I suggest cutting the pots and remove it as a whole, that's what ima do - it's too stressful!


Well-Known Member
if you cant pull the plant out of the 8" pot with all coco in tact,then it is not ready for transplant..