roots have grown into the tank is this causing leaf curl?

Fred West

I have noticed my plant curling under at the tips with no yellowing and cheaked everything i.e PH, Tried lowering and raising the nute leval, temps and all seam fine the only thing i can think is the roots that have grown into the tank and fully submurged are giving the plant to much water thus causing this leaf curl that just wont go away!!!

Any help on this bloody problem would be well apprecated as its driving me mad!!:?


Well-Known Member
with a name like that id love it if you went away,think your plants feel the same too :-/

Fred West

well constructive input is needed not retarded comments on an obvious pseudonym... Stop smoking if its messing up ya brain!!

Fred West

Sorry Judging by your lack of brain power i better explain:

A pseudonym (literally, "false name") is a name that a person (or, sometimes, a group) assumes for a particular purpose and that differs from his or her original ...

.....................................................the penny drops dumb ass!!


Well-Known Member
no help from me with a name like that.......... why that name you knob ? ok sorry i will help you..... turn your lights off flood yourplants for 3weeks with 100% nutes then fill the bath to the top and put all your plants in and thay will be sound and happy ;-) ooooooopppss sorry you might wanna get in with them as it can help.... ;-)

Fred West

good ole fred loved nothing better than to spend time digging around in his garden. Isuppose like you he had nothing other than violent thoughts to keep him going.. oh dear lets hope they dont find body parts walled up in ya grow room.. mr unlucky could be your epitaph!!


New Member
Are you using Aero? Is the reservoir aerated? If you are using a Stinkbud style system ya get those roots out of there, the nute level is too high for a dwc for the roots they will burn. I cut mine, and no adverse effects, or I will tuck them back in the rails. Either way plants don't seem to respond negatively.

I run air stones in all my stinkbud res's now, and it helps keep it aerated and also help keep nutes mixing up. I still clip those roots though.

Fred West

no i am using a small gt250 nft table and yes the tank is aerated. I shall get the roots out asap because i realy cant think what else could be causing this leaf curling issue?

Cheers for the reply r1tony