Roots Resting in my solution 24/7, good or bad?


Well-Known Member
So I've always grown in soil, and I've given hydro a try for the first time and I'm a little confused on the different types of hydro growing, DWC, wick system, aero. I have 6 babies in a 50 gallon tank with holes cut on the lid to sustain the plants. But now my roots have grown so much that they are just resting in my solution at the bottom of tank. Is this what I'm suppose to let happen? and if so should I stop watering them? i water them for 15 minutes/ twice a day.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
get an airstone bubbling in the tank.

check the roots. If theyre white theyre alright.

brown means pythium means trouble


Active Member
But in overall aspect are my roots suppose to stay submerged in my solution? And if so, do I keep watering them?


Well-Known Member
DWC = deep water culture. They are supposed to be submerged in an oxygenated res
keep the current feeding they are on. What you have here sounds like a DWC Aero combo. You have a pump attached to sprayers correct?


Well-Known Member
no I don't have a pump attached to sprayers (in my res) but my roots are submerged and I have a pump that draws water from my res and waters the kids from the top back into the res. make sense? I have an airstone in my res. same thign as sprayers?