Running a 3-Way CFL in a Aerogarden W/adapter, what is the default wattage???


Well-Known Member
Hello RIUers, I'm currently growing a pepper plant to test out an Aerogarden I picked up at a thrift store dirt cheap, the AG works fine however I have a question about a 3-Way CFL I'm using in it with an adapter I picked up on eBay, it's one of these GE energy smart 3 Way (16/25/32W) CFL's: (-->CLICK HERE<--) I searched and searched for an answer to this and although I did find some information nothing was conclusive, hopefully somebody can give me a definitive answer. What I want to know is at what wattage will this 3 way CFL run in my Aerogarden, I imagine it would be the same as a standard socket and based on what I researched the general consensus is that 3 way CFL's will run on either the lowest or highest setting in a standard (non 3 way) socket, however I also read that they will run on the middle setting in a standard socket, I'm sure you can understand my confusion. If I had a voltage meeter I could figure this out no prob but unfortunately I don't so can someone please shed some light (pun intended) on this for me?????? Thanks for your time and Happy New Year!!


Well-Known Member
Use a three way lamp and compare the visual output you see. The staging difference between the mid and upper may be harder to discern but not impossible. Also triggering voltage for some 3 way bulbs will vary as to which stage they throw. Too much start load for the ballasts could effect potential stage they start in.

(That's what I'd do without having other tools available. Lumen meter would be simplest of course and you could compare GE's BS advertised output with what you're getting for each stage ...)
