S.A.G.E and White Widow grow...flowering


Well-Known Member
Here are just a couple pics, ill post some more pictures 2night, but here are a few to start...
this is an upclose shot of the SAGE a couple weeks before the big switch
this is a shot of both... WW(left) SAGE(right)...same timeline

And here they are today... its been about a week since they showed sex so its about there 2nd/3rd week of flowering
WW(left) SAGE(right)


Well-Known Member
fox farm soil...400 watt... the only nutes ive used on these plants so far is tiger bloom.
but my pots have 4 "spikes" each that are filled with my nutrient blend.

MC Bud

fox farm soil...400 watt... the only nutes ive used on these plants so far is tiger bloom.
but my pots have 4 "spikes" each that are filled with my nutrient blend.
Very nice. As in one of those time release/extended release spikes that miracle grow makes? Thats intetesting. Never seen it used on mj before. whatever it is its working. They look good so far.


Well-Known Member
Very nice. As in one of those time release/extended release spikes that miracle grow makes? Thats intetesting. Never seen it used on mj before. whatever it is its working. They look good so far.
nah they are just holes put into the dirt, and then i fill them with my own nutrient blend.
same concept as the miracle grow spikes


Well-Known Member
sage, gettin fatter and frostier everyday.

ill post pics of the WW later.

i also have a ton of cell phone pics of both ill post

ps these were taken 4days ago, and there have been some changes since