Sadie Ladies New Grow


Active Member
These clones are taking a little longer than I'd like. All 8 of them are swollen and covered in root bumps, I would imagine the next 3 days will be very productive as far as root growth.

Sometimes I have clones that sprout 1-3 roots right away and other times (like now) it takes way longer but they grow 10-20x's the amount of roots all at the same rate, coming out in a herd of root growth! Either way it seems to end up the same so whatever I guess

These are staying pretty healthy up top which doesn't make a huge difference but looks way sexier:hump:



Active Member
Who thinks she's going to run out of room? Yeah hands up

Nice fat bushes tho
If I run out of room in my 8x4 it will essentially be your fault anyways. The un-vo side project is at least half the tent and growing every time I open it...

Anyone have any ideas on training this bushy beast during flower? Too late for a screen I think, unfortunately. I can't even count the amount of bud sites forming. I am going to need to do some serious trimming but I don't even know where to begin-I have been a tree grower in the past and these bushes make me nervous:shock:



Active Member
The main stems stop about 2 inches above the hydroton and branch out in every direction. From what I can tell the main stem is over 2.5inches in diameter before it branches and each top coming off is about 3/4in at the end. She drinks over a gal/day at day 10!!


New Member
Nice plants.. I have the same "bush" problem with this DynaGro my plants all doubled this round over my AN soup. Crazy.. keep growing green!
