Safe to keep Hermi w/female


Active Member
I have what looks like a predominantly female hermaphrodite plant in my flowering room. Will that plant pollinate my full female plants? I think my plant is a herm because the "flowers" look really weird. Green pistils. I'll post a pic as soon as I can. Thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
unless you see balls youre ok. the green pistils are probably not male flowers... pics would help.


I would look for the dicks vs abnormal growth as that is usually an indicator of something else. Pics would be great. BTW, I've had some minor hermi'd plants that was able to use tweezers to remove them as they popped up. Also have had hermi'd plants that sprouted super dicks & couldn't control. Likely, you will miss at least one dick & it will spread w the circ fans. I would pull it is practical, but watch it closely if not... assuming they are hermi'd. Peace.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. I'm trying to have some pics posted soon. I'm not really positive if it's for sure a hermie, the pistils are green, instead of white and are not as feathery, and the calyx's are more leafy then shell-ish... if that makes sense. Are green pistils normal? Thanks again for the replies and I'll try to get a pic up soon