Salvia Divinorum First Time 10x in my car at work

Stay away from that salvia shit. My buddy did some and though he died for an hour. If you want to lose your mind find some Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) if you can. It's super expensive like 200 a gram but all you need is a little. That shit will rearrange your perceptions for about 5 minutes and no after effects. I've seen it look like white powder also seen yellow orange color. It has an unmistakable smell kinda like flower pollen. Blows any other entheogen out of the water. Be prepared though it is a bit intense and uncomfortable at first but don't worry it doesn't last that long. Only recommended to experienced psychadelists.


Well-Known Member
Man, why you would want to put the two as alternatives for each other blows my mind...
They have nothing in common appart from both being realively short trips.
salvia leaves you with only a kernel of conciousness left, while DMT does not affect your conciousness, other than maybe make you run at a slightly more powerfull gear for a few minutes.
I'm not sure about your DMT experience ANC but mine was far removed from what your describing. While it's true it doesn't last that long I'm not sure if I would want to to last any longer than it does. I can't vouch for salvia as I have never tried it but heard bad things. I was just making people aware of DMT as a possible alternative because I'm guessing that people who are interested in salvia probably want to trip out on something. DMT is by far the most psychadelic I have ever been and I have experienced many psychadelics. I'm not sure about your administration and dosage but I have to concluded that someone who describes DMT as quote "maybe making you run at a slightly more powerfull gear for a few minutes" may have not done enough or got some weak shit because I tripped balls with unimaginable visuals. I mean the craziest shit I've ever seen. No not like shit that was really there looked crazy, I mean I was seeing all kinds of shit that wasn't really there. Never had that on mushrooms, LSD, mesculine, not even close.


Active Member
you can't "overdose" on vitamins idiot have you ever heard of 5 hour energy it has 8333% of your daily value of b12. I have never done E but I could sure as hell tell the difference between the two.

and I'm pretty sure your just pissed off because you wanted to trip but instead bought fake salvia or smoked it incorrectly.
are you serious, you have got to be the dumbest person ive ever met. you can overdose on almost every vitamine there is. havent you ever taken a chemistry coarse in highschool? vitamine B12 (thiamine), verry common vitamine, verry easy to OD on


Active Member
I'm not sure about your DMT experience ANC but mine was far removed from what your describing. While it's true it doesn't last that long I'm not sure if I would want to to last any longer than it does. I can't vouch for salvia as I have never tried it but heard bad things. I was just making people aware of DMT as a possible alternative because I'm guessing that people who are interested in salvia probably want to trip out on something. DMT is by far the most psychadelic I have ever been and I have experienced many psychadelics. I'm not sure about your administration and dosage but I have to concluded that someone who describes DMT as quote "maybe making you run at a slightly more powerfull gear for a few minutes" may have not done enough or got some weak shit because I tripped balls with unimaginable visuals. I mean the craziest shit I've ever seen. No not like shit that was really there looked crazy, I mean I was seeing all kinds of shit that wasn't really there. Never had that on mushrooms, LSD, mesculine, not even close.
From what I've read on here I think you mean experiences


Active Member
are you serious, you have got to be the dumbest person ive ever met. you can overdose on almost every vitamine there is. havent you ever taken a chemistry coarse in highschool? vitamine B12 (thiamine), verry common vitamine, verry easy to OD on
someone already corrected me but thanks for being a dusche about it:finger::lol:

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Salvia... Is a insane experience...
Ride the Dragon Baby... :fire:

Thank god this wasn't around when I was young, back then LSD, Peyote and Shrooms were all the rage.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
someone already corrected me but thanks for being a dusche about it:finger::lol:

EDIT: we obviously have not met so thanks also for judging my intelligence an incorrect statement about vitamins on the internet. It must be nice to feel superior with all that brain power
and i barely got through school, its the OD thing i know about its a shitty world when the nickname for your school is heroin high
Talk about being a douche Zeplike. I think posting corrections for minor syntax errors on a forum qualifies. P.S.- I don't proofread posts.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about your DMT experience ANC but mine was far removed from what your describing. While it's true it doesn't last that long I'm not sure if I would want to to last any longer than it does. I can't vouch for salvia as I have never tried it but heard bad things. I was just making people aware of DMT as a possible alternative because I'm guessing that people who are interested in salvia probably want to trip out on something. DMT is by far the most psychadelic I have ever been and I have experienced many psychadelics. I'm not sure about your administration and dosage but I have to concluded that someone who describes DMT as quote "maybe making you run at a slightly more powerfull gear for a few minutes" may have not done enough or got some weak shit because I tripped balls with unimaginable visuals. I mean the craziest shit I've ever seen. No not like shit that was really there looked crazy, I mean I was seeing all kinds of shit that wasn't really there. Never had that on mushrooms, LSD, mesculine, not even close.

Look I get where you are, and I also at a point in time had to realy keep my wits on me just to light up another pipe... but the whole experience changed over time... now, I can after smokeing (not spontaneously), go as deep as I want and still be able to return to the "consensual" reality and pretty much do anything I guess at will. Its just not such an oppressive thing... it appears to be at first glance, but just chalenge it, just defy it, you will see that you have been in control all along. It reminds me of once when I administered soem to a friend, after a few minutes he had about as much as he could handle for a first time... he asked me "can I open my eyes?" I mean realy...

Lol, you know what is even more awesome on DMT, is seeing things that are realy there but you normaly don't see... As an example, with DMT used open eyed in nature, one can clearly see mineral deposits in rocks, or something else I enjoyed, once, whatever filter our brain employs to make white things seem white even under a blue sky, became undone, everythign became blue green... it was quite a trip and very out of character for me, but I was laughing like a lunatic.
I get what your saying ANC. When I did he first time I was like whoa this is intense, but by the third time I learned to accept it and just go with it. I was in my living room siting on the couch and I was looking around the room and all along the walls there were little blocks of gold hyrogliphs of what I can only explain as some type of middle eastern/ indian art. All the blocks were moving across the wall like they were on conveyer belts. All I could think to myself was to try and look closely at the artwork so I could explain to my buddy what I saw, but everytime I tried to look closely, the block would morph into something else and keep on moving. Then when I closed my eyes there was this dancing geometric figure in what looked like the shape of a thai buddha that kept waving her finger like she was calling me toward her. Truthfully that was the closest thing to a religious experience I have ever had.


Well-Known Member
I tried salvia once and it sucked over blown over rate gozibo(How the fucks you spell that?) it didnt work and it felt like I was loosing oxygen. Shits flippin fake waste of money go buy a few grams of shrooms and dont waste money on shit they try to sell to idiots at smoke shops.

I litteraly smoked a whole little bag of that shit and felt nothing other then a head ache and the dent in my wallet for the waste of money it was. Why do people advertise that shit on here like it works? It doesnt its fucking fake and it doesnt make you "trip" thats for god damn sure made me "trip" when it didnt do nothing and I could have bought some shrooms or acid and "triped". That salvia shits a rip off go spin in circles and get dizzy its free and more effective.
i laughed my ass off at this whole post...... you tripped when you found out it didn't work.... lmfao.... hahahhaha go spin in circles.... dude hahahah +rep

yes im really baked :shock: