Salvia Grow Guide


Active Member
Im just bored so i thought id help someone with this guide :mrgreen:


if you remember only one thing about growing salvia divinorum remember
this: Dont overwater!
depending on its situation it may need watering daily or even monthly!

How do i know my plant needs watering?

put the tip of your finger in the compost. if it feels cold (due to the moisture)
dont water, however if it feels dry to the touch, water sparingly.


Feeding is not neccecary but it sure does give your plants a bit of a boost!
I feed by adding a few mls of concentrated miracle grow and a similar amount of maxicrop seaweed extract to a hand held sprayer then apply as a foilar feed.


Light is a critical factor, look for somewhere bright but not scorchingly hot
and try it there. If its happy there GREAT! If its not try somewhere else until you find a good place.
you could also grow it under grow lights, i find that 1 20W cfl is enough but thats up to you. just make sure there is lots of ventilation and it dosent get to hot. the ideal temp is between 15C and 20C or 60F and 70F


1.Take a cutting just below a pair of leaves. it be anywhere between 3 and 8 cm but I find that 6cm Is best
2.dip it in rooting gel or powder and carfully stick it in your growing media

3.Keep the humidity high by
A) Misting regularly
B)Placing the pot in a clear plastic bag or cover with a clear seed tray
and put it in a propagator.


Salvia divinorum is an unusual and fascinating plant. While it is easy to grow, Growing it well Is more of a challenge! :lol:


skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Add harvesting. Is it just got off leaves and dry them out or is there a flowering stage alike mj


Active Member
You could flower if you want but there is no increase in potency or anything
people only flower to get seeds.
if you want to flower make the light cycle less than 10 hours per 24 and it will flower but I keep it at 18/6 to keep it in veg.
you get more leaves :mrgreen:

you can take leaves of anytime you want but just make sure the plant is big/healthy enough to replace them.

This is how I harvest:
after you harvest dry in a dark ventilated place until crumbly,
this is optional but take out the big leafy stem thing if you want.
And that is basically it but i prefer to cure mine,
just put the leaves in jars and air out once a day and do it for at least 2 weeks then just leave them in the jar and when you want to smoke just take them out and smoke them.
they are alot nicer tasting and less harsh whan you cure!
kinda like marujiana :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
and is the buzz the smae as shop bought stuff? i did a post on my salvia experience with 10x exract, its scary stuff!


Active Member
yeah buzz is the same but you dont really trip on just leaves you gotta make an extract.
the leaves do give a buzz but not hallucinogenic or nothing


Active Member
when you smoke the leaves the buzz is
muscle relaxing
things look strange or unreal but no hallucinations
you feel at one with yourself and nature especially if you are smoking outside

i would post an extraction guide but im too lazy lol!



Well-Known Member
id prob prefer the leaves lol. the exract is fun but scary, everything seems so real.

i hve an extraction method i picked up fron someone on here. its quite good.


Active Member
yeah the extract is some crazy shit :-D
but i quite like triping on salvia every once in a while, but the leaves are nice to do more regularly.
woudnt want to be tripping on salvia too much though,
stick to shrooms lol! :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
nice wee guide smoked salvia x25 was crasy ass stuff .. words just dont describe the trip lol question, were can ya pick up salvia seeds from ????


Active Member
salvia seeds are very rare and are hardly viable.
I would advise just to get a few cuttings and if you want seeds make them yourself.the DIY ones are about 1-7% viable so its not much chance in getting a plant. you would be lucky if you cot 30 seeds per plant.
but if you insist on seeds the only place i know is sometimes has them in stock but i think there quite expensive but im not sure.
definately dont buy of ebay because they are never the real deal.



Active Member
yeah thats a fine place to buy them from.
look on ebay sometimes theres a good deal on one, but as i said dont buy seeds from there.
I bought my first ones of ebay and one from
hope ive helped :bigjoint:


skippy pb

Well-Known Member
You could flower if you want but there is no increase in potency or anything
people only flower to get seeds.
if you want to flower make the light cycle less than 10 hours per 24 and it will flower but I keep it at 18/6 to keep it in veg.
you get more leaves :mrgreen:

you can take leaves of anytime you want but just make sure the plant is big/healthy enough to replace them.

This is how I harvest:
after you harvest dry in a dark ventilated place until crumbly,
this is optional but take out the big leafy stem thing if you want.
And that is basically it but i prefer to cure mine,
just put the leaves in jars and air out once a day and do it for at least 2 weeks then just leave them in the jar and when you want to smoke just take them out and smoke them.
they are alot nicer tasting and less harsh whan you cure!
kinda like marujiana :blsmoke:


Oh thats really good, cause I was thinking it was gunna taste like shit. That was my only problem with salvia, when I first smoked it I had the worst taste in my mouth that a whole box of froot loops didn't conqeur.


Active Member
aint you listening loyalty buds!!! :mrgreen:
you need a cutting it dosent grow from seeds.
and I personally dont mind the taste I just make sure i have some mints and a drink, that cures it for me ;-)



Active Member
the best way to cut the taste i've found it to but a bed of crushed mint in the bowl before you load the salvia. chocolate mint works the best IMO