

Active Member
i just got some. ive done it before and it was green crumbled up leaves almost looked like some shitty shake. the stuff i just got is like a blackish purple color. anyone smoked salvia that was black/purple


yea porn shop usually has many diff strengths i bought i think 30x or 40x and it was dark purple ..... shit was weird went into a tunnel and couldnt get out for 10 to 15 mins felt high after for about a half hour or so... also felt like 30 people were talkin to me and i was by myself never do it again ever ill stick with my greens :joint:


Active Member
haha, when i did it. it was the happiest i ever remember feeling. another question, do you halucinate from the flowers and/or leaves? which is better if both work.


Well-Known Member
yea porn shop usually has many diff strengths i bought i think 30x or 40x and it was dark purple ..... shit was weird went into a tunnel and couldnt get out for 10 to 15 mins felt high after for about a half hour or so... also felt like 30 people were talkin to me and i was by myself never do it again ever ill stick with my greens :joint:
porn and salvia.
my kind of store.


Well-Known Member
i smoked it for the first time tuesday.. it was black, pruplish leaf - i took a small pipe load - maybe .2g - i hallucinated, but only mildly - i felt the trip feeling pretty strongly and the feeling stayed with me the rest of the night.. the peak was maybe 15 minutes..
as i was still smoking i said "i think i might feel something starting" then i wanted a cigarette really bad.. it was a bit like DMT, but not as strong a rush or peak..
it was really fun for me - i want to try it again...


Active Member
me and my buddy smoked 5 or 6 bong loads of it a few hours ago with some bomb after too, i still feel a weird high, but right after i smoked that shit it was great. i was busting up laughing, i saw penguins in the local lake, and my friend had shadow flames with a mount and he was runnning at me, so i hid, then went home. when i called him later he said he was just walking towards me but idk he looked trippy, but i have also been up for 36 hours now. im going to get some more of this stuff. :)


im pretty sure it was made from the sage root they extract it with alcohol some how shit is nuts specially not ever trippin or seein anything before then doin that yikes