
kush fario

Well-Known Member
im thinking of having an outdoor grow in SK is there any particular places cops like to cheak out or that i should avoid im in the saskatoon area and if any one has seeds i realy need some more! :weed:


Well-Known Member
saskachewan?? isn't that alaska?? there's like 1 cop per 100,000 square miles???? there should be PLENTY of room....
Your ignorance is pretty amazing. But anyways to the OP i would just follow other outdoor growers tips around here there are tons.. and for seeds you can buy them from a local headshop in sask. pm me if you want to know where.


Active Member
defintly not a field ill tell you that from expericence lets just say 8 plants in the middle of flowering and 3 all most ready to harvest ended up on my local evening news a few years back and i was up all night crying lol but for real no joke, defintly go with the woods there harder to spot from a helicopters view then out in a field where they stand out like a green hat with an orange bill "thanks eminem for that last part" but also get to know the area your workin with and get to know it good cause alot of problems can happen animals, incests, random ppl,and if cops do end up finding it they might keep a whatch on them and try to bust you at the sence so duct tape the bottoms of your shoes so theres no prints and make sure the areas pretty vacant you wouldnt want your babys being found then when there ready to harvest then some dick fucks come and swipe your children away. have fun and play it safe

kush fario

Well-Known Member
thanks every one the fuckin ducktape on my shoes im deffinatly going to use i got a bluff in mind thats an area with trees in a field for u non canadians or i guess even non saskatchewani i dont know how many people say that any way sk is in canada no where neer alaska and cops do find pot plants regularly i have these things that protect my babies from frost n animals while they are young but when they get to big for there little huts