Sativa Buds...finally! Pics.


Well-Known Member
I started this girl back on Feb. is my first grow. Didn't know squat about Indica or Sativa...just knew I LIKED THEM! I vegged her for two months straight then 12/12. Had to take her down early due to company coming for an extended stay.. BUT....I am a proud PAPA! Look what all my hard work has accomplished. I assume she still had about 2-3 more weeks to go, but oh well. Buzz is SUPERB!!



Well-Known Member
looks a little skinny but I am sure the taste makes up for it....great job my friend and best of luck on the next :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i think that is the funniest shit to see Spongebob all stoned....rep you grew some sweet shit :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Great job, well done. Must be nice to be smoking your own right enough (I have a long way to go LOL). Rep+ to you ;)

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Ahhh, favorite. Congrats, and that looks yummy. I am 3 weeks from harvest of some of my own Sativa. Rep+ to you for your success!