Scaling Aeroponics for a Mini Fridge

Pretty simple premise: use a mini fridge, build an aeroponic setup for one or two fully grown plants.

The idea is to put a water resevoir in the compressor housing, run a pump, and have a return line bring the overspray back to the reservoir. I've looked at a few methods, and it seems best bang for buck would be to build an aeroponic, use some controllers to power the pump while I'm busy living life. Only real concern is how much fluid is really required to keep the plant healthy.

Plan is to grow Hawaiian Kush from bagseeds until I get a feel for growing. This is my first grow but I've grown food before in soil and hydro, but it wasn't grown in such a minimal environment, nor under artificial light, so this is far enough from my experience to make me uneasy, but not so far that I don't feel I can pull it off.