Science Experiment Over...Results are in and they are Amazing


Active Member
Out of the six plants that I have in my grow one of them had come to completion and the other, I noticed was going Hermie. So instead of throwing the hermie away like so many on here have suggested, I decided to cure it.Now I have been doing quite a bit of research on the water cure and decided to try it out myself. So after seven days of having the colas submerged under water, and changing the water once every day... I took the colas out and placed them in a food dehydrator. I set the temperature at 95 degrees f and after three hours they were completely dry. . Sample time. I put a small piece in my weapon of choice and took one hit and waited. 5 minutes later I was hit with an amazing sativa high that lasted a good 3 hours. And now mind you, this was off of a plant that had only been flowering for 4 weeks so it was nowhere near ready to pull. I am convinced that water curing is my main method from now on. Does the weed look pretty when you are done....NO. but this is for my personal use so I don't care what it looks like. It is potent as a mother


Well-Known Member
nasty tasting shit...

people... now listen. I know sometimes its hard to have the patience.. I mean you got your flowering time that you have to wait for; then there's the drying process; then the curing process.... these are all natural occurrences that bud needs to complete in order for the bud to be at its max. Especially as far as taste and potency go. These "fast dry/curing" methods... degrade the THC, makes it taste terrible.. and there all misrepresentations of how it should properly be done.

Hence the reason all the noobies get confused on how to properly cure and dry bud.


Well-Known Member
water curing is a proper way of curing - it lets the chlorophyl escape. What I won't do with my buds is drying 'em out so quick.

The reason I don't water cure is that the buds look ugly.
One main thing you learn while working in the food industry is that the look is half of the dish.

Anyway, a 4 week into flowering plant won't get you remotely as high as a fully mature plant will.


Well-Known Member
While on the topic of water curing...
Does it matter as much how fast you dry it all up after the water cure?
I know people talk about how many problems are associated with drying freshly harvest bud too quickly, but do none of those same problems apply to water cured bud that is dried too quickly?