Scoreboard: “my judges”


Well-Known Member
Loose setting up a get-out-of-jail-free card for Darth Evader.

Trump stacked the deck pretty good in those 4 years that is for sure.

Fires the SDNY guy, and a few years later someone in that office plays hide the pickle with documents to get him some delays when he subpoenas and gets a document dump of them after the DA asked for them a year ago.

Has bullshit tossed against the wall about the Georgia DA having a relationship with a private contractor, which wouldn't even be illegal under Georgia law if they were both actual employees of the state.

Has the SCOTUS running delays in his DC case by slow rolling his stupid as shit immunity claims.

And then his appointed troll judge in Florida dong everything she can try to get away with to help him avoid his trial there.


Ursus marijanus

(emphasis mine)

The only real reason that Trump has not already stood trial for allegedly trying to steal the 2020 election is because the Supreme Court is controlled by a 6-3 conservative majority that has adopted completely unnecessary stalling tactics to delay the prosecution — now potentially until after the 2024 election. It should also be noted that this majority includes three of Trump’s appointees, three people who literally worked to deliver the presidency to the Republican Party in 2000, and some of the most political and ethically compromised justices in the history of the court.

Over the long haul, it is possible that the appellate courts could come to Trump’s rescue in the Manhattan case too, but he is clearly in no mood to pin his hopes on them. As a matter of brute political calculus, it’s hard to blame him.


Ursus marijanus
I coulda sworn we had a recently active thread about racism and Republicans. Maybe I missed it. This goes here then: a petty and cruel attack on Black women entrepreneurs. In the name of equality, no less. I strongly doubt that the real motive behind this regressive action is any principle higher than race/sex spite by the conspicuously white and male architect of this litigation.



Ursus marijanus
Though Thomas is not a convict appointee, he is effectively the prototype Dirty Justice. Vetted by the Federalist Society and nominated by George Warcrime Bush, he lied to Congress about judicial activism.

Each and every justice who lied to Congress, notably about reproductive law, should be subject to expulsion by a more realistic process than the quixotic one now prescribed by Federal law.

Barring that — should Biden survive November (and should the balance of legislative power leave Democrats carrying the proverbial big stick), it might be time to ramrod the appointment of a few progressive justices. A bear can dream.

Dirty, dirty
