Screenless DWC Scrog?


Well-Known Member
I had a thought on how to take two plants and make a neat scrog without the screen.

Take my 2' deep x 8' wide x 6' tall(usable work room) closet as an example - only really two buckets deep. Get a LONG fluorescent (try 8' VHO if you can get it or 8' T5HO) and two plants in DWC buckets, and with those two plants immediately train them and keep training them for horizontal growth. You might need a support stand here or there for the stem as you get 3-4' away from the bucket but keep training it along the length of the fluorescent light. When you get ready to flower, move the fluoros out of the way, and then crank on your HID setup of choice and go 12/12. No screen needed with the support stands below, and you have a carpet of buds. No trimming lower sections, as they get pretty even lighting as well. I believe that could be a great way to get a faster Scrog with yield, since there is no cutting and no time and energy spent on healing from stuff cut away.

Heck, with that it might be more prudent to go with the fluoros for flowering, who knows?