Scrog Grow with Purple Berry


Well-Known Member
Purpleberry: Blueberry x GDP
Indica Dominant
2.5 weeks vegging and 1 week into flowering right now
4x4x7 hydrohut
600 watt light
8" exhaust fan


Looking good I love growing this strain very strong smell lots of color keep the room cool this strain will turn dark purple


Well-Known Member
Im using soil. Everything organic. Botanicare and humble nutrients mayan macrozyme which is beneficial bacteria that you brew. Stuff works great. I mix in about 4 oz of unsulfered mollases and 1 gallon of water with 2 oz of the mayan. It produces great results and bigger yields. There are 16 plants right now which is 1 plant per sq ft in the tent. Going to trim off most of the undergrowth next thurs which will be 2 weeks in to bloom.


Well-Known Member
very nice, big. im flowering and vegging some of these ladies wright now. this is one of my favorite strains. it has an excellent flavor and it gets beautifull coloration! my cut is a little nute sensitive, but other than that she is a vigorous lady. im finding that some people refer to the cross as ''purple berry'' and some refer to it as ''granddaddy blueberry'', not sure which is actually gonna stick. i find myself refering to her as both, so i dont know. goodluck, im sub'd.


Well-Known Member

Here is a pic from 2 days ago... going to trim all the undergrowth as the plants are 2 weeks into flower tomorrow.

Legaltoker...What are you using for nutes?


Well-Known Member
i use roots organics soil and i feed the fox farms trio when needed and also molasses occasionally in flower........but when i see what im assuming is nute burn for this strain i havnt even fed her yet, and its always early in vegg......i can see in this last pic you posted that some of yours are doing the samething mine are (what i think is nute burn). what im talking about is the folding of one or a few of the petals on a leaf. i think i see some of yours doing the it too, the leaves dont yellow or burn but they cup under at the edges, almost like when they have spider mites, but im 100% sure no mites. mine seem to eventually grow out of it which is why i was assuming nute burn.... i have tried different soils, watering with different ph's different runs. I added dolomite lime to my current run (thinking it could be a ph fluctuation issue) and after adding the lime, half of the plants are still doing the cupping and half are not, yet. any ideas?

oh and the ladies look great by the way


Well-Known Member
Pretty positive it's from heat stress. That's why mine are doing it. Nutes isn't the problem. Check your temps in your room or see if the lights maybe to close or just try adjusting them and moving them a little further away. Mine always come out of it in flower. I don't stress on it. Thats just where I veg my plants. There is almost no ventilation in that room. That's my best guess without actually seeing them.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow dude! I wanna also scrog my closet grow right now.
I dont know much about scrog but I thought you should pull the branches down below the screen, so they grow horizontally?


Well-Known Member
You can go either way. This is 16 plants and trying to get em all to grow horizontally would be a pain in the ass. You can do it with fewer plants for more bud sites but with this grow I didn't even bother with it.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow, but it's a SOG or Sea Of Green, and not a SCROG.
You only have the main stem/cola growing through the net and no lowers.

SCROG the plants are trained under the netting so the 2nd, 3rd and even the 4th internodes are growing through the netting and even in height with the main cola, or colas if you were to top the plants.
Many mistake growing through those 4 inch holes as SCROG, when all the netting is really doing is acting as a support system for when your buds are too big to stand on their own.

This is SCROG:

The red is the primary cola, the blue are the secondary nodes/bud sites


View attachment 1574845

Now after :

View attachment 1574846

This is a pic of what that same stem looks like under the net.
Notice all the secondary bud sites that have grown up into the netting as a result of training with SCROG.

View attachment 1574852

View attachment 1574847

Hope you don't take offense on what's what.



Well-Known Member
The grow looks like its progressing well! I just harvested some Purpleberry, it's definitely my new favorite strain to both grow and smoke! You can expect a high yield with super dense, fat nugs as long as your growing conditions are ideal. I got 4 ounces per plant under 1200w and all of it is top shelf. I like that you're growing organically too, the flavor of this strain is awesome and organics always taste and smoke better. Good job man keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Thanks should I have put the screen up a little higher so I could of trained those sites? Any insight will help.
Sfsurfer...everything organic. You used lst with 4 plants.? That's pretty cool. I gotta try that. Never tried it before. Not sure of the process but it sounds pretty cool.


Active Member
I'm starting my next grow with Aurora Indica under a 250w CMH light
and plan to do just 1 plant scroggy-style in a top-drip/dwc bucket.
I'm hoping to get about 5 ounces from 1 plant this way.
I 've never done scrog before and one thing I don't understand is
why do the branches need to be weaved in the screen?
I mean, if I just keep them all under the screen so that they all get an equal amount of light,
until buds start appearing, then make the buds pop-up above the screen,
won't that accomplish what needs to be done?


Well-Known Member
never scrogged but i think the idea is to weave them so u get more bud sites not just an even canopy...weaving "tricks" the plant into making more tops as the hormones will make all the budsites more like main colas.

I could have parts of that wrong but thats the general idea