Scrog-screen of green..examples


was thinking fer the first time to do a screen grow over my plants ,screen of green i once seen it called before..i have little space to grow but i wa sthinkin on training all the plants by tieing down and or fimming.....anyone out there have any screen grows to show off or sum help on the subject


jus looking for sum general informTION on scrog grows and sum pictures type of training to do top, fim, lst to get the plants redy and utilize as much space as possible


jus looking for sum general informTION on scrog grows and sum pictures type of training to do top, fim, lst to get the plants redy and utilize as much space as possible
i actually second this.. i have been trolling these forums for a while now and i am still kind of confused about what actually takes place when sometime says screen of green, FIM, or topping...:mrgreen:


jus showing sum pics of scrog screen of green grws..n the training needed.....
i actually second this.. i have been trolling these forums for a while now and i am still kind of confused about what actually takes place when sometime says screen of green, FIM, or topping...:mrgreen:

