Sculpting Clay Bong All Natural


2nd clay sculpture in disguise

this is more than just pictures of a bong..
this clay i dug up by hand at a local guerilla grow spot ;D
i had to (not to mention carrying this shit on a bike to my house)
-dry it
-grind it
-sift it
-then rehydrate it into a workable form all from my house

my art teacher said it has a lot of iron-oxide in it so it fires a really nice orange color

here are some of "the making of" pics


Well-Known Member
I remember my art teacher catching me fit a down stem into my "flower vase". Smiled, winked, and walked on by.

Props man, hope it comes out well.


hell yeah to those artists who can smoke when they want and have the ability to create art for a living...i would have an outdoor grow like hashbean420 ;D