Second Grow Update


Active Member
i think if you have the money, get you a 400w HID system, if you live near a grow shop you can usually get good deals. go with digital switchable ballasts. those lights get very hot though so your gonna need to think about ventilation if you do that. if you don't have that kinda money than look into some cfl's, theres a section on this site for cfl growers


Active Member
wat do those things cost...and i live in peterborough ontairo an i dont no rele what i got for grow shops....i no i got like home depo an shit lik that
Google Hydroponic store in ( your city ).. And I agree with LoveBud420 you wont get much with those lights best thing you can do is spend the $200 or so on a switchable ballast 400watt although I would recommend if you can get a 600 watt at least that way you can get some production off it.


Active Member
umm little question my leaves r starting to get droopy an get a lil brown on the ends an sides is the bec i use tomuch miracle grow?
Woa Miracle grow is no good for that plant. Miracle grow is really strong if I remember and your actually burning your plants. That stuff is one of the worst things to use.

I use cocoa core by canna in a 50/50 mix with super coarse perlite and works out lovely. Here are some videos and pics and what not. + rep if you like. also can start to droop if over watered. Got any pics those help a ton.


Well-Known Member
MG is not great soil, plus you always get fruit flys and gnats in it. As they grow, that light you have will be less and less sufficient. Combine the highly rich soil mix and low lighting conditions, plants will have poor health overall.


Active Member
look at ebay if money low an you can get 85w 105w cfl bulbs that just screw in but you can also get 150,200,an 300w cfl if your worried about bulbs being delivered etc the first 3 bulbs they sell in the photography bit also as you probably know try an stay in the range of 6,500k blue spectrum for veg an 2,700k red spectrum for when you switch to 12/12,

as other's have said about miricle grow it is quite harsh but there are few people on here that use it with great sucsess,if you start to get fruit flies etc comming out your soil cover the pot with about an inch of builders sand this will stop all nat larve fruit fly burrowing into your soil an escaping,

if your going to carry on using miricle grow feed dilute it to 3/4 strength ie if it say 4 ml per litre you 1ml an so on an see how the plants respond,if they start to yellow increase to 1/2 recommended dosage,
also when you feed, say you fed them today saturday just water them for the next 2 times an the feed them again an keep repeating this cycle but you only feed/water when it starts to dry out if you pick the pot up an its light water or feed,best to feel the weight of pot when been watetred or fed to get an idea of how heavy it is,or you can stick your fingers in soil about 2" if it feels moist not wet there ok if it feels dry water/feed,

what ever you do do not feed every time you go to water or you will burn the shit out of them increase chances of hermieing on you etc etc unnecessary stress,an i would deff increase the amount of light you have get a few cfl bulbs 42w ones or higher,
hope it helps abit if i am wrong on anything please correct me i know i spelt some words wrong my english grammer punctuation an pronounciation is shit


thats how its doin so far..i took the pots right out an jus put dirt in the area..there doin okie..bin in flowering for about 3 weeks the clones im jus tryin somthin new