Second Shot at Cfl Grow


Well-Known Member
Damn sexy looking ladies Jhod. I start work again Monday, so Im just gonna save up and get some FF I think. Had some OF soil from them before and loved it until my mom used it for her flowers :evil:


Active Member
Hi Kush didnt mean to sound like a dick towards your tattoo, each to their own and all that :), As for nutes from all the threads ive read majority of people use Fox farm or Canna nutes, I decided to be different and try out the plant magic plus organic oldtimer range and its working fine for me, If anything do a local search and see what is available in your area then do some research on the nutes.


Well-Known Member
No hard feelings Belesar. Ive been searching for the Canna stuff, guess I need to actually go check out the local Hydro stores I've found online.

Little update... and I mean LITTLE! The plants havn't grown much at all, working on there second set of true leaves after a week of being in soil. Seems a little slow to me. There cotyledons are yellowing badly. Also started two more bag seeds I had for good measure:lol:




Well-Known Member
After I watered em this morning they started looking better. Just got back from getting my PH sh!t, so things should start taking off soon.


Active Member
After I watered em this morning they started looking better. Just got back from getting my PH sh!t, so things should start taking off soon.
hope that does the trick...... though it did for me, i hope it does for you :D peace !


Well-Known Member
should have some pics of my new seedlings in a few days just popped and put them in cups so need to wait so they pop thru the soil now.


Well-Known Member
HOLY HELL! Having the correct PH/ cleaned water makes a world of a difference. My plants exploded last night. Pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Been keeping a log on my PC, and it turns out today is the 10th day they've been growing now... figured a perfect time for a pic update.

Plant 1- Just going to start referring to this one as Danks, since thats what the bag was I got it out of.


Plant 2- And this one is the purp, dubbed B-Town Purps

And another shot of my closet setup



Active Member
Bc of heat?
yeah... a fan is needed... you could buy some cheap 80 mm computer fans for 1.99 at new egg....

though depending on where you grow, like in open space in your house such as place in garage, i dont think u would need a fan, but keep your temps lower that 80....


Well-Known Member
I reckon you guys jinxed me talking about the heat...! Today the top set of fan leaves are starting to curl up around the edges. Payday is tomorrow!!!! So i get to get some new goodies for the op


Well-Known Member
Finally got around to doing an all around pH test on my different waters, and the soil. Now I need some help interpreting the results if someone could help please.

1. Plain tap water un-treated
2. Plain tap water treated to remove chlorine and other impurities.
3. Same as #2 but with Shultz Plant Food Plus, 1/2 dose for this test
4. Soil run off with plain, treated water.



Well-Known Member
Decided I'm going to build a grow box, about to go start working on it. Will post some pictures later


Well-Known Member
Hate to bump up my thread this early, but this is getting critical. My best looking plant isn't looking to good anymore. The leaves are all brittle feeling, and curled up. I just checked on it and its appearing to be falling over as if a human we're out of energy. I need some quick help!


Well-Known Member
We'll I've been working on my grow box the past few days, and today while working on it got the worst phone call ever... one of my best friends for over 5 years died last night. He hit a tree coming home from college. He was one of the coolest, down to earth, hippies I knew. Always down to burn, loved his hallucinogens, and LOVED EVERYONE he met. Sh!t hits you hard when it's someone close to you....

That being said, I've decided to dedicate this grow to him. Since none of my plants are actual named strains I'm calling them Patty B Bud in honor of him.