Second Time Growing, First Time Indoor[LED]

Alright this is now my newest grow journal on the site. My first journal, the outdoor guerrilla grow is still going on I'm hoping to update it tomorrow, I'm going up to look for signs of flowering development. As excited as I am for my first grow to turn out I am ready to take on the process of indoor growing which I am a newbie to.

I am currently in the building stage of my Veg Box and plan on building a Flowering Box soon, as I already have the lighting for both. I am running a 90W UFO LED in my veg box which is approximately 3' Tall x 3' Wide and 1.5' Deep. (Considering side CFLs?) I have already set up an adjustable height system for the 90W light and I still have some space in the box that could work well for CFLs.

Here are some photos, of when I first acquired my Dresser now VegBox, and some of it's transformations along the way.
As Purchased.jpgPainted and pulley.jpgPurple High.jpgPurple Low.jpg

To note there is still plenty of work to be done on my VegBox!
Here are some things I plan on doing to finish this project out.
  • The Bottom Panel isn't secured to the dresser yet and is not painted, I plan on stretching Mylar across it and nailing it to the board
  • After that I will cut a hole in the bottom panel of the board large enough for a PC Fan
  • Another hole will need to be cut for my wiring as well as another PC Fan in the back of the dresser
  • Once the wiring and fans are all inserted I will use caulking to seal edges and gaps
  • After sealing the box I will then attach the old panels from the dresser to a sheet of wood to span the face of the dresser, then I will attach the sheet with the false dresser panels to the from of the dresser and it will serve as a door

I plan on working on my flowering Box as soon as I can finish out this dresser project.
Another note for those curious, I will be running a 240W LED Panel and two 15W LED Red Flowering Bulbs in this Flowering Box. Ideally the dimensions would be between 6-7' in height x 3' Wide and 3' Deep. We'll see.

This is my first post of many for my first indoor grow!



Well-Known Member
nice i would love to try leds just too invested in hid's for now but one day when i have the extra space and cash i would like to see them in action.If you want a vault of info on led growing go check out reefbongwell he has an amazing led setup and runs a pretty big garden one with led one hps and is pulling some decent harvests. something like come ye bud lubbers tga shouldn't be hard to find