Security and Paranoia


Active Member
Security and Paranoia
Do you ever have that thought in the back of your head "what if"
well I've been thinking about safety of my operation, I'm not worried police as much I am worried about the flip side.
I will be installing cameras and censors, Iron bars on the windows and improving locks.
I'm shopping Brickhouse Security which is a great website with great security devices!
it may be paranoia but at the same time the risk is there to get robbed, and I'm not about letting my babys fall victim to a home invasion.
so do you worry about this? what precautions have you taken?

thank you for reading this was on my mind today I thought I would share it.



Active Member
very understandable, People in Miami are pretty nice as with most of the world. I see the reasoning behind bars I really do


Well-Known Member
Think security, but not so visible that your place sticks out. Put in cameras, but dont have them visible. If you can have the recorder off the primises it is better (out of reach of pigs hehe). Don't discount simple things like a locked gate, forces cops to have a warrent instead of walkin right up to the door, and SUPRISE! once they get there it does not take much, a smell or them thinking they see something, then presto! they have a warrent


Well-Known Member
a way to fix that is to have an outside grow away from your house. and there wont be any motivation for anyone to come to your house. just my thoughts thats what i do. my grow is 20 miles away from my house. my only security risk is getting caught at the site. so risk is at a minimum as long as you know how to deal with the


Active Member
Yeah, Broncos county mile high! i have to say though they could be doing better, but with Elway back I believe they have a winning chance

now if you follow the MMJ laws there shouldn't a problem with warrants, now as far as dogs go I've found if the dog has a mean bark it does work to scare people off, but i guess a wagging tail could whip them to death!