see'4 organic purple ice special


Well-Known Member
I never venture in the growing sections anymore but damn dude, gorgeous plants!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to see4 again.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping the shredded paper at the bottom of the cardboard box method works for drying the bud. I closed the top and left a few open spots for air to circulate. Left it by the door, so its cool. I will trim them and can them Saturday night... more pictures to come then..


Well-Known Member
I am jealous, I am still 3 -4 weeks away but on the bright side I should have plenty of fresh dank well dried buds for 4/20 :)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
They are man. Indeed they are! That particular bud, I love the colors, I hope during cure the color doesn't fade too much. (I know it will) Just not too much.

I'll show some pictures before canning, I will clean the buds up a bit before they go into jars.


Well-Known Member
That looks amazing mate congrats. just harveseted myself :)
fuck me she grew fast! looks like a top strain for sure