seed covering leaves?


hey guys so i planted my first one a little over a week ago and it sprouted up on tuesday.....its growing very slowly but i noticed it has the seed still on the top of the sprout keeping the leaves its been a few days and it hasnt fallen off yet so im getting kinda worried cuz i think of the leaves under there is turning yellow. i read someone else on here that you can take it off with tweezers.....what do u guys reccommend?? also i can post a pic if neccesary....thanks


Active Member
very carefully!!! with a pair of clean tweasers help it should come off easy and dont force it....its a common thing


wot lights u using mate

its in a pc case and its only one plant so im only using to bigger daylight cfl thats producing 1800 lumens and one smaller soft white bulb producing 900 lumens............from what i read a combination of the two is usually best especially cause im only vegging for two weeks.. the temp is always just a notch under 90 so i think its pretty good for now....the seed is a cheese seed too that i got from a local seed bank.....ill post a few pics later when it gets a bit darker and u guys can tell me what u think


Active Member
get your temps LOWER man 90f is way too high i use celcius but keep it between 70-80 with 75 being optimal, also change the bulbs have a bigger red spectrum than blue even through veg if you dont intend to change


get your temps LOWER man 90f is way too high i use celcius but keep it between 70-80 with 75 being optimal, also change the bulbs have a bigger red spectrum than blue even through veg if you dont intend to change

so u think then maybe i should use a big soft white and a small daylight instead? also i got two fans right now one big one at the bottom in the front of the tower blowing in and then one at the top by the lights blowing out.....i guess i could add another exhaust fan up there but i remember reading on here anything up to 90 is good but yea i guess it is kinda pushing it...


Active Member
I was under the impression that soft white bulbs are not grow quality. I could be wrong.


I was under the impression that soft white bulbs are not grow quality. I could be wrong.

not sure u could be right......but im pretty sure soft white bulbs are 2700k and are on the low end of the spectrum.....and bright white is at the opposite end and i was under the impression that you should use a combinationof both for a plant in my situation....but thats just from what i read lol does anybody else kno that answer???


oh btw mr green finger

i messed up before the big bulb is soft white 1800 lumens and the small one is daylight 900 lumens is that better than the reverse?