Seed ontop of a seedling AHH help! Pictures


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures. I was thinking about taking it off using something pointy and then I thought maybe if I left it alone, nature would battle and it could become stronger?

I don't know! The seedling is about 1.5 days old.



Well-Known Member
it doesnt really matter either way, but if your careful enough you can just take it off, heck you could probably blow it off.


Well-Known Member
naw i don't think taking it off is such a good idea...might cause shock and that would just be cruel, but if it doesn't come off by tomorrow, i shall with extreme caution.


Well-Known Member
lol the stem started to bend because of a little leaf tryin to get some light. so i didnt wanna risk the extreme adjustment, so i took off the shell. i put a piece of peanut shell to support it incase it does feel like giving up >D. i'll check in a sec and post a picture up to see how it came out (hopes to buddha its still healthy).


Well-Known Member
althought the green is more green than what green is or should not be, it might as well be green. here is the proof!

the sun's sunlight is for free, have at it!


Well-Known Member
if it hasn.t came off in like 2 days, take it off. if it is not removed, how can photosynthesis occur? looking good, gl with your grow.


Well-Known Member
The more a plant grows the sooner that case will fall off. They have been falling off for thousands of years now without anyone pulling it off. But if you still insist on removing it get some tweezers.


Well-Known Member
as you can see, i already pulled it off using a knife. i tried very carefully, kinda moving it just a bit. yea the shell was making the stem with the little leaf exposed to the sunlight move downwards, so i had to take off the shell in my oppinion. it worked!

JUST BE WARNED, shock to a baby seedling can make it flop over and die in a matter of hours.

So to all the newbies, my advice is to leave the shell there for 2 days to see if nature does its thing. If not, take it off if the stem starts bending below 45 degrees. Nature's way is the very best, but it can be a problem if it's struggling extra hard to get some light. Handle it very careful, use a knife and make as little distrubance as possible! And then use something like a broken peanut shell underneeth the stem for support, so it can help itself get back up there, then remove the little support.


Active Member
...all these "let it be natural and fall off itself" people need to realize this is indoor and not natural...

...i'm all for the natural state of things, i've never taken anti-biotics and i grow by the moon, but since the winds and rain of the environment do not exist, in this environment, and that this person is propogating 1 seed, as oppossed to natures hundreds of seeds, you gotta help...think clearly


Well-Known Member
Personally I have found sometimes that if you don't take it off yourself you can give the plant serious problems, better to give it a mist and then just try to ease it off. Be careful though, i've also pulled a seedling out this way.