Seed problem

Thank you for your advise, I'm sure I'll have lots more questions on the remaining plant as it grows and any tips will be most appreciated as I do not know much about growing under lights in a tent and this is my very first attempt ever at growing anything lol


Well-Known Member
Is that coco?
You would have been better off starting in a smaller pot........preferably a solo cup.
Yes that is coco soil and as for the pot I WILL take that into note with my second grow, thank you, I didn't know the pot size mattered till vegetation stage


Well-Known Member
Are you familiar with how to grow in coco? It's not soil and shouldn't be treated as's drain to waste hydroponics.


Well-Known Member
Once the roots are established.........
Feed daily to substantial run off with a pH around 6.0.
Never give plain water.
Never let the coco dry out or salt build up will occur.
Thank you that is very helpful, I've been using water and root it at a pH scale of 5.8. But my understanding is I can only use root it for the first 2-3weeks. I do have Micro, grow and bloom aswell but not started to use them yet as I don't know if they can be used with root it