Seed Problems!! Please Help!!

I germinated my seed last week and the tap root was out. So I went ahead and planted it. I did not know at the time that I was going to have to leave it for two days. It was really hot those two days. When I got back it was pretty warm in the veg room cause I think my cooling system failed and I still had no seedling. so I dug it up and the root's tip looked a little shriveled, but the rest was fine. So I put it in a damp paper towel and put it back into darkness to see if that would help, but it has started to go back into its shell. What does that mean? and Can I re-germinate it when it is done going back into its shell? or would that be a waste of my time? I just wanted it to succeed. Please help me out.


Well-Known Member
take a picture of the seed,and i can help u out more,i got the same of my seeds havent sprouted and its been 3 days but i heard thats not long for it not to sprout. So take a pic and ill hepl u out the best i can.


If you had instead watered it soon enough it instead of disturbing and digging it out it might have been alright... The odds of infection are much higher now and the chances of it surviving are slim.

Get some more seeds.


Well-Known Member
at this point, it's at best a very stressed sprout
future problems seem likely, might want to cut your losses on time
I guess I will throw it away then. Thank you to everyone that helped me out. I figured it was a waste of time to try to save it, but I wanted to get some more opinions on it before I threw it out.

Damb man... Worst comes to worst, go buy a dime off the street corner...

There's ur seeds...
I have never seen any seeds in the street stuff I have bought.