Seed question!!! Very strange, HELP!


Active Member
A couple months ago I bought a sack of nugz, which was some excellent stuff. I started to grind it up a noticed at had a decent. amount of seeds. I got around 20 seeds from an 1/8th I kept the seeds and planned on using them for my first grow. I just finished and everything went perfect. 6/6 seeds germinated and grew to healthy female adults (or so I assume) from which I all harvested buds from. I noticed when I was trimming a couple buds here and there have a few seeds in them. Did I happen to find femanized seeds, or is one of the plants a hermaphrodite. I am some what lost as to how I have a few seeds, with 6 female plants producing buds. So what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Did any of your plants have banana like things growing out of the buds? You probably had a hermie and it self pollinated and pollinated the others as well.


Active Member
See thats the strange thing, I never noticed the pollen sacks or anything else that resembled a seed, and I checked on my plants every day from germination to the final cut. I kept a really good eye on the when i switched the light to 12/12. Thats why im so confused.


Active Member
sometimes it is hard to see them they will be kinda hidden by the buds i had some that i didnt see untill harvest those seeds you got r probably feminized but second generation seeds from a hermie(meaning seeds came from a hermie and grew into a hermie the seeds from the 1 u grew) will almost for sure give u hermies that the harvest and quality will be affected. I wouldnt grow the seeds your plant produced unless you find you had a male in there that pollinated your plant


Well-Known Member
^^^^ what he said. Look at the positive. Youll always have seeds to grow with. Maybe as yo grow them out, some will not be. Good luck, smoke well..