seedling growth feedback


about 10 days old

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bag seed. 4X 23w CFL, 3 6000K, 1 2300K.
slightly purple stems. recently replanted one on the left (stretching)
some BS top soil, no nutes. watered about every 2 days. 24/0. ~65 deg. F

some roots are starting to show on the sides of the cup. i know clear is not recommended, however its what i chose.
i plan to repot very soon. 3 gallon buckets or so. soil recommendations?
so would this be a good time to introduce a little bit of nutes? something like 5-0-0 @ 25% strength?


Active Member
roots organic or at this stage fox farm light warrior are great soils then when they get bigger the fox farm ocean forest is great but with the fox farms youll need to add perlite or it will have problems breathing a good mix is to mix fox farm with roots 50/50 cause roots is full of perlite and they both are full of nutes...on that note you dont need to feed them yet. wait until you have a few nodes built up cause you dont want to burn them out too early and risk killing them but after they have an established structure with root and body youll be able to start feeding at 25%