Seedling HELP!!!With PICS!!!


Active Member
Hey guys. ok so Ive had about 12 sprouts that are 7 days old that were germd an in root-riot cubes and put under a 4tube/4ft. T-5Fluro hung 7in then to 6 to 5in and has been around there for the past 3 days. Today about 12hrs ago I started to transplant them into square 2liter pots in soil and when I went to start I noticed 1 of the seedlings has a yellow spot on 1 of the 2 leaves(these are the 1st pair of leaves that have developed, NOT talking about the very 1st little nub type leaves that appear when 1st sprouting) Now I have given NO nutes whatsoever, they have just been in the root-riot cubes under the light 24/7 and been just watering the cubes when theyve dried. Now its only on 1 outta the 12 seedlings and Ive done the same thing to all of them and all been under the same light etc. Now Im a 1st time grower so keep that in mind and I think that I have either over/under watered the thing??? Would that account for a yellowish mark on the leaf? it got a tiny bigger as of when I looked a couple hours ago from before then Ive left them under the light and gave um 30mls of water at Noon today(which was sunday, the time right now is (monday 3:20am) but the rest are all green an doing great----HELP ME PLEASE!!! THANKS!!! Sorry for the pix 1st time ever postin pix and camera sux 736.jpg 741.jpg755.jpg 759.jpg737.jpg753.jpg745.jpg760.jpg758.jpg


Your pictures are not good at all. what i would do is just keep flushing them out. I hope you made a good soil mixture so you can flush as much as you want with out having to worry bout overwatering them. After flushing them for a few days they should bounce right back.
YOur problem could have been that there was to much nutes in they soil you transplanted them into, or maybe they dried out when you transplanted.


Active Member
no over/underwaterin wouldn do tat.... if it jus the one plant outta 12, might be a defective seed. n keep an eye out for bugs. the droopage kinda look like overwaterin, but you say you waitd til the cubes were dry to water... are all of those pics from the same plant???


Active Member
Thanks for helping a newb- all the pix arevof the same 1 seedling I just tried to get a few angles b/c my digi cam is a 3-4 yr old POS. So I went to see a buddy who owns the nearby hydro shop by me and I brought in the 'lil gal' and he said that its more than likely a light burn. I retorted with a T-5Fluro doesnt get that warrm and he said that b/c I transplanted when they were only 6 days old and during those 6 days I had the T-5 on 24/7 and like 4-5inches from them and that that is quite a bit of continuous light for the babies. Whatcha guys think? I know you cant see the pix but your educated guesses are better than mine. Oh also there is a TINY spot of the same exact nature jsut way smaller on 2 other of my gals so maybe it was the 24hrs of light and some just didnt get burned? I raised the light up to like 12 inches and am going to go 18/6hrs and see what happens. The plants look great thoe nice and green and pairs a leaves getting bigger.. I'll take a better pix and post after I do that. Does anyone know or have a link to any pix of week old seedlings with light burn or over/under-watering or both??? I tried to use the search but it just brings up random shit. Thanks a lot and happy growin/tokin!


Well-Known Member
i would say that it is most definately a light burn then, keep a fan on them at all times if you haev your lights on 24hrs


Active Member
when you search, move the lil box next to where you type wut your lookn for to Search Titles Only. n i dunno man, plenty o people start their babes off under continuous light, but maybe. you should have a fan on em tho either way, will also help the stalks get strong, like spinach r somethin