seedling is turning yellow


Ok so i have 4 plants growing in my box and there all doing great they are a week and a half old but on one of my plants the 2 round leaves on the side are turning yellow could this be from underwatering? overwatering mabey any feedback would be nice thx!!!


hello all!

I am somewhat new to the whole cannabis cultivation, and have recently started my own "green" house :) I am looking forward soaking up everyone's knowledge in the forum.

I came across this thread and thought I might be able to contribute.

As far as I know, the 2 round “seed leaves” or cotyledons will turn yellow and will end up dying and falling off. This is normal. Under-watering would cause the plant to shrivel up, and turn down. Over-watering will cause the plant to turn up. I could be off on this, but I am 85% sure this is correct information.

Let me know how your grow goes bro.