seedling just slightly came out of soil and has just stopped growing


geriminated a seed, in the soil it went, watered it, and it came up above the soil in about 2 days, but its stayed at that stage before the stem like splits and the first 2 sets of leaves come out, its just stayed looking exactly the same for 4 days. is it alright? this is my third grow and doing everything the same as i always have so dont know whats up.


Well-Known Member
Eh, these little shits always look like they're not going to grow. I hate this stage of growing as it takes so long before they start producing leaves, etc. The main thing is not too much water or too bright of light. A couple of T-5 are perfect or CFL.


Well-Known Member
They will stress that close to a 1000w, can you raise it to about 36" ? They already look small and water a closer to the stem the roots are no where near that ring of water.