Seedling Nitrogen Deficiency?

Tin Tree

Active Member
Title says it all...

Ive added to 5-gal bucket:
pH'd 5.8 water
.2ml gro
4ml cal/mag
4ml aquashield

400w MH 18/6, 18" above



Active Member
Its just starting to use nuts,, so water and dirt are fine atm, but you will need to start some type of Fert program here soon, but you still have time.. You can go a long long long way on just soil and water.


Well-Known Member
Blanched leaf tip = nutrient burn. Early in this case. Seedlings this old do not require any feeds. Lay off and water only a couple times. It will be fine.

Tin Tree

Active Member
well its got some long ass roots growing into the water and now starting to grow hairs(small roots) off of them :) Hey VX, thanks for advice, but I'm growing in DWC, not soil lol. Hotrod, thanks to you too...just needed some confirmation! +Rep for both of you!