seedling problems, please help!

I have recently started growing some seedlings. I started out with 4, but a stray cat came in and ruined one. (I WAS MAD!) Anyways, one still looks healthy and green, one is greenish yellow, and one is toppled over and weak. I have been watering them about every other day, and when i planted them I just used some fertile soil from outside. I put them in the sunlight for about 8 hours a day, but it seems that they are at a growth halt. They are about three weeks old, and they only look like they are a week old. I looked up some pictures of three week olds, and they were all tall and leafy. What is wrong? What should I do? Every thing I look up always has different answers. I know I need a light, but I don't know what bulb to get. PLEASE HELP!


Well-Known Member
First thing.... How the F&^k did a stray cat get into your grow area lmao! :lol: Cant let this happen man...and CFL is what u want to get ....23w or 42w is even better. DONT WATER TO MUCH. READ READ READ. get some pics too...:leaf:
First thing.... How the F&^k did a stray cat get into your grow area lmao! :lol: Cant let this happen man...and CFL is what u want to get ....23w or 42w is even better. DONT WATER TO MUCH. READ READ READ. get some pics too...:leaf:
i hate that cat!!!!!!! anyways, total newbie here, where would i get that bulb? Walmart? Thats about the only store here. I just stuck them under my light in my bathroom, its just a normal 60 watter..They are about a foot under it. They seem to have grown a bit since i put them under it a couple hours ago. any tiiippppss???

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Dude I let a stray cat in last year he gobbled up my sprouts only thing is that stray cat was my fuckin cat that just decides to mozy on home after 3 months on the lamb...great timing huh? Mine were DOA so live and learn.

What is your plan you need to decide if your growing indoors or out. If your growing outside you can start indoors and move outside but doesn't work so well the other way around. Bringing outside soil indoors and even plants themselves invites bugs and it's not good scenario also the dirt in your yard probably isn't the best soil. If your going to grow outdoors maybe get some fox farm happy frog soil and blend it with your natural dirt. If your growing indoors or in pots outdoors get some potting soil. Spend the money on the better soil becuase they have everything you need to get going and will be easier you just add water. Get some cfls almost any will do try to get daylight cfls for now the more the better basically.

Read the FAQs at the top and sprout some more seeds IMHO.
Dude I let a stray cat in last year he gobbled up my sprouts only thing is that stray cat was my fuckin cat that just decides to mozy on home after 3 months on the lamb...great timing huh? Mine were DOA so live and learn.

What is your plan you need to decide if your growing indoors or out. If your growing outside you can start indoors and move outside but doesn't work so well the other way around. Bringing outside soil indoors and even plants themselves invites bugs and it's not good scenario also the dirt in your yard probably isn't the best soil. If your going to grow outdoors maybe get some fox farm happy frog soil and blend it with your natural dirt. If your growing indoors or in pots outdoors get some potting soil. Spend the money on the better soil becuase they have everything you need to get going and will be easier you just add water. Get some cfls almost any will do try to get daylight cfls for now the more the better basically.

Read the FAQs at the top and sprout some more seeds IMHO.
My significant other wants to grow them outdoors, i want to grow them indoors. THEY WILL BE INDOORS! ha, I can keep a better eye on them that way. The only reason I have been putting them outside is because I had no lamp, and the only light was from the ceiling. They are in a big black planter, and there are tiny sprouts of something popping up all around them. I don't think that they are seedlings of what i am growing, but i can't be too sure because they are verrrry similar in look. Is it possible that they may have spread? I am going to use that potting soil by Miracle Grow, the moisture control kind. I also figured I would buy a lamp and get a 60 watt fluorescent bulb. Does that sound like a good plan?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
sounds allright outdoors is great if you got a place, I would go that route if I could but I don't got a backyard or anything. Most people would advise you not to go with miracle grow but I have used it with success in the past..just the regular kind. What's good is you can basically just give water and it will feed it for months but can also be to strong for some plants, especially small ones. When you say buy a lamp you mean like HID and get some a 60 watt cfl for extra light? that would be a good idea.