seedling transplant


Active Member
yesterday 4 sprouts were good enough to take the plugs from rapid rooter and set in party cups with fox farm soil and a bit of perilite mixed. in any case after transplanting I fed them some water until it started to drain out the bottom of the cup.

Does anyone know if and when I should put some nutes in with the water.. ive read people ph testing nutes water and run off.

is it ok to mix amount of nutes recommended and then test ph before water or do u need to test ph of nutes before putting in water and so forth. thanks.

also i got some superthrive stuff I believe its called i have 2 other sprouts that were a little behind so I am going to consider adding a little superthrive to the water that is gonna be first applied ot them after putting them in party cups later.

any input is needed this IS my first grow.

i will take pics of everything tonite and try to start a journal.


Active Member
I'd wait till there's a few sets of leaves before adding nutes and then start with 1/4 the amount of nutes youd normally use. Don't add the nutes too soon you'll burn it up. Test the ph of ur water, test the ph of nute mix and then test the runoff


Active Member
You dont want to be giving them nutes until they are at least 2-3 weeks old in most circumstances,

Need to see some pic's to get the best answers though.

Happy Growing


Active Member
also what kind of soil you using. If you're using something with nutes already mixed in like miracle grow don't add any nutes for a long time and maybe not at all
Going to be transplanting soon the stem seems a little weak no nutes yet about two and a half weeks old any info on to when to add nutes would be nice i have pure blend grow for veg and will get the bloom for flowering

