Seedlings all have curled leaves, no yellowing.


So ever since my seeds sprouted I've noticed the leaves are curled for some odd reason. I've done my reading and can't seem to reach a good answer.

The only yellowing, if any is on the cotyledons, however the plants are advancing along with small "true leaves" I guess.

I'm watering daily with a Flora Nova Grow mix (1/2 teaspoon into 1 gal. of "declorinated" water. I leave the water in a black bucket with a 6'' planter lid so it can breathe and only use it after 24 hours of sitting).

I just moved 3 of my plants into little containers in the last 2 days. 1 plant into a soil/peat moss mix with some hydroton at the bottom inside a coco seedling fiber pot. 1 plant is in a seedling fiber pot with nothing but hydroton in it. The last plant (just transplanted today) is in a 3'' net cup with hydroton and I filled the plastic cup it's in with some of my Flora Nova Grow mix and a bit of BioThrive. (I'm experimenting here, in case ya can't tell. :-P )

The root systems on all 3 plants were superior to the others (they all started to fill the bottom of my original seedling planters) I was growing.

Is there any thing else I'm leaving out? I planted these on Feb. 20th, have them under a 150w HPS & 2 42w 6500k CFLs in a 18/6 cycle now, from 24/0.

I'm welcome to all opinions and ideas.



Active Member
I have had the same thing going on for a couple weeks now, Im starting to think its because im placing the cfls too close too early. I've adjusted my set-up, will let you know how it works out. My leaves also started to twist when they got bigger, also starting to yellow/brown tips.


Active Member
well it LOOKS like over watering or not enough light....
though light doesnt look like a problem there... so over watering would be my guess?
hope that helps... good luck :)


So I switched two plants into netcups inside a 16 oz cup with some of my BioThrive/Flora Nova Grow mix. Made sure my PH was around 6.5-7.0 and gave the little ladies some downtime (turned off the CFLs earlier than the timer) and now they appear to be perking up a bit. Probably was/is an over watering issue.