Seedlings and nutes?


Active Member
Just germinated some new seeds. and they have been planted in cups of soil. they are about 1 wk old. when and how should i start feeding nutes? Any schedule for sprouted seedlings? any dos and donts?
any help greatly appreciated

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
I fed my first babies too early and fried them - live and learn. I am a newbie - obviously or I would not have killed my plants ..LOL...but I have heard you should wait at least 4 weeks until you feed. Other people say wait until you have 4 or 5 nodes. Whatever you do, don't feed too soon. When you do start feeding, they like high nitrogen when they are in the Veg stage. Hope this helps!


Active Member
I put just a half the amount of nutes that is recommended. Mine are 3 days in and doing fine.