seedlings in rockwool need advice


Active Member
Hi everybody it's been a while,scince i posted on riu, but i need some advice..I've grown a few times before in the past,but used clones..This time i'm planting seeds in rockwool for ebb & flood....I have 6 plants,5 days old,i have a 600 w mh over them..the temp is around 72f rh is 37...Im using a garage shade,it's real cold in there,it's hard to keep the humidity up,even with 2 humidifiers...The plants are 5 or 6 days old,and the leaves are turning yellow-ish light green,and theres no roots in sight,could it be im watering to much..could someone please give me some advice...Sorry the pic are from a camera phone.Thank's alot.



Well-Known Member
they look ok to me but maybe its the pics? also i would put them under some cfl's for a week or 2, a 600w is too much and you can't keep it close enough