Seedlings outdoors


Well-Known Member
My little friend just sprouted, and since it's a nice day (almost 20 degrees C) I figured I'll put her out to enjoy the sun since he's going outdoors permanently in a few weeks. Will putting it straight into the sun hurt it? I'm in Canada so the sun isn't incredibly powerful or anything. I also put some plastic over the top of the pot to keep humidity in.

I think I'll use this as a grow journal as well since I'll probably have a lot more questions along the way



Well-Known Member
Alright, awesome thanks guys. I read some stuff about needing to 'harden them off' or something, but I guess since it's day one it doesn't matter.



Well-Known Member
Yeah it's just bagseed so I guess it's a coin flip, but hopefully I'll get lucky. I may start another couple in a few days if i can get some seeds from my friend


Well-Known Member
50/50 odds are not good man! try more than one plant per grow to improve those odds of getting a female! and remember even if its a female there alot of room for error...
anyway good luck bro


Well-Known Member
Yeah i think i'll get a couple super silver haze seeds off my friend, but I'm not too worried about actually yielding anything on this one. I have no problems with buying a bit of weed, this is just for fun really. I just want to figure out if i can grow outdoors in this shitty climate.

I also haven't decided on where I'll plant yet, so I need some time to figure that out anyway

This bagseed is pretty badass though, i've been chilling on my deck writing a paper on development problems in Africa and watching it grow. It's probably grown a cm this afternoon haha