Seeds, 600 Watt light ok ???


Active Member
Just finished my 1st grow using 600 watt lights inside tent, with filters etc.. Using Cuttings..

Yeild was pretty low, 26oz frm 12 plants.. This I am putting down to Ionic nutes and little errors on my part, being my 1st time..

This time I hav bought Jack Herrer seeds frm Seedbank, £60 for 10.. An have changed to Canna Coco A & B, Boost, Rico shit, ha, everything you could buy really..

But only got My 600watt light which I used throughout last crop from cutting stage..

Will it work with a seed, or is to stong??

Thinking of putting 10 small pots in tent, covering with clear plastic sheet, with few holes in for air.. Then light above, bout ten inch??

Should stay pretty humid, an will hav my fans on..

1st time with seeds

Thanks ( help please kiss-asslol :mrgreen: )


Well-Known Member
26oz under a single 600w, inside a tent, and you dont know how to grow from seed???

Sorry, I'm calling bullshit.


Well-Known Member
lol 26 oz is a good yeild form 12 plants in a tent. Was that a wet waight or dry?


Active Member
haha.. 3 tents, 4 plants in each.. look at last posts if you think am bullshitin..

An it was my 1st grow, an 26oz from what I was expecting was shit.. Been told using canna will increase this, boost, Pk-13-14 also..

So like I asked, do you think a 600watt light will work on seeds??

An I bought 3 tents an all contents needed, 500 a tent.. thats why I got 600 watt, havent even chnaged the bulb coz not sure which one it is, goin to take it to local grow shop an match up ; ) I am a novice not a bullshiter


Active Member
26 dry stumps.. Good smoke.. Little somethin me m8 told me helped with taste I think.. Used Pure pineapple juice 500ml to every 10 litre flush aswel as litre of soda water.. haha I laughed at first worked well, had people telling me fruity taste, they new nothing till I burst out laughin an told em lol.. try it !!


Well-Known Member
very cool. I don't think the 600 will hurt. but very much not needed for the first few weeks. But if you did clones in the tent and started them there it will work for seeds. new clones and seedlings grow about the same early on.


Well-Known Member
Germinate your seeds in wet paper towels on a plate in a clear plastic bag or use the Jiffy pellets in a humidity dome. They do not need much light at this stage until you transplant them to small pots, which can go under the 600 watts. Almost any light will be good enough to germinate. Save yourself some electricity.


Active Member
thanks for comments people ; ) Just got 9 clones, put them into one tent all in 11 litre pots.. 600 watt light bout a foot an a half away.. looking good.. clones are white russian..

got my jack herrer seeds in plastic tub cover in kitchen roll, an been spraying with canna start mix.. got them sitin in airing cupbaord, iwth water tank haha.. nothin yet onyl been 24 hrs..

Me other tent is ready to go, going to plant seeds into 6.5 litre pots, then do one transplant into 11 litres.. hopefully wont stress it too much, never had to do this, as my clones I get go striaght into 11 litre pots..

gotta get a mother going soon ; )