Seeds in Storage in the fridge


Well-Known Member
I've had some expensive seeds in the fridge for a year now and I'm not sure when I will be able to use them.
Anyone have some input, based on personal experience, into how long they can last in the fridge and still be good to go when it's time to germinate?


Well-Known Member
I save mine in a box that sits in the bottom drawer of my dresser thats in the basement. Stays cool and dark down there. Never had problems with germinating seeds that were saved.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
I have heard of people mixing seeds with rice before refrigerating...does anyone know if this is nessisary?


Active Member
I have heard of people mixing seeds with rice before refrigerating...does anyone know if this is nessisary?
yes, dry white rice will act as a desiccant and remove moisture from the container the seeds are in. Ever pull a glass container from the fridge and have it fog up on you? that is moisture condensing on the container from the air. if that happens with your seeds in it it could ruin them.

It is not a necessity but i always put several grains of rice per seed in the airtight container with the seeds.


Well-Known Member
just cracked 5 year old beans, stored in plastic baggies, in rice filled tupperware container in fridge.


Well-Known Member
just cracked 5 year old beans, stored in plastic baggies, in rice filled tupperware container in fridge.
Nice, that's what I wanted to hear. I'll get some rice this week and throw it in there with them. I've got some mad scientist and some of mad shack both from sannie.

Not sure if we'll see mad scientist or mad shack again from sannie so these are like collectors items imo. I read somewhere that sannie and escobar had a fallout or something. Not sure if it's true. I guess escobar is selling his gear elsewhere. I think that's why there are limited freebies with sannie now. Sounds like a seed soap opera.


New Member
Just a note for those following , never freeze your seeds more than one time .. I keep them in rice as well when frozen ..
I recently grew some very old land race Nepal Hash Plants and the seeds were kept in a basement for years and years .. Here is a random shot of one girl I grew out of those ancient beans ..


Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
I have heard of people mixing seeds with rice before refrigerating...does anyone know if this is nessisary?
Yes. I store my seeds in a tupperware type container with uncooked rice in it, tiny seed bags are left open so rice can eat up any moisture that gets in. I cover all that up with a brown paper bag and it goes in my fridge's crisper drawer. I have seeds over 3 years old that pop in 24-30 hours when I germ.


Well-Known Member
Guys is the fridge really necessary? I keep mine in a box in a dresser in my basement. Never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
Guys is the fridge really necessary? I keep mine in a box in a dresser in my basement. Never had a problem.
No the fridge isn't necessary, cool and dry basically anywhere is fine. Think of the freezer as long term storage use.


Well-Known Member
I just had a disaster using a refrigerator late last Summer, and lost my entire seed collection as a result.

It took us almost a month to figure what went wrong. The seeds were stored in their original packaging(which I should have removed), in tupperware full of rice in kitchen fridge...big mistake. The opening and closing(and cleaning)created enough temp variation to create condensation despite rice. In the end it ruined their internal food supply so vital to seedlings.

Now I store in the basement with a dehumidifier and have had no issues. If I were to use a fridge again, I would insure it was dedicated only for that purpose.