Seeds taking nutrients?


Hi. I have an issue that slowly got out of hand and I'm curious if I misdiagnosed it. I have seeded cannabis that I did not give nutes to in its later stage because I thought I would pull it out sooner. I went maybe 3-4 weeks pure water. And didn't give it much nutrients in its life. It slowly started happening thought it was because of nute lack. Now I am not sure if the plant is severely cannibalized to produce seeds or is it mold? I have not had webs in buds. The spots where it appears dry has nice looking strong seeds. And the buds smell really good. These are 2different plants. Any help or ideas are appreciated. Thank you



Well-Known Member
The fucking thing Hermed in a last ditch effort to replicate itself.

Let this be a lesson to you, next time it could seed all your plants. If you decide you need to pull a plant, then pull it.