seeds wont sprout?

i have 10 seeds in miracle grow seed sprouting soil and im misting them every time the soil gets dry, i checked and made sure all the seeds were good but 2 wont sprout, any one else have this problem? if so how can i fix it?


Active Member
how long ago did you plant them? some take a while to germinate and dont mist the soil, drench it because the seed needs to absorb 80% or so of its weight in water or something around that i believe...rockwool cubes all the way


Well-Known Member
Give them a wk or two since planting and if they don't sprout just dig em up look at em and feel if they're plump or dryed out
Mb they are old seeds and won't sprout idk another crazy idea

drew k.420

Active Member
you should try germinating in a dark place inbetween some wet paper towels on a saucer. keep it completely dark and at room temps.dont ever let them dry and in 4-5 days all that are gonna crack,will.then bury them one inch deepin your containers and cover with loose soil.then do the spraying thing every day on the topsoil till those babies .poke thier little heads out.